The Club and our Visitors are encouraged to participate in the National Ladder :
There is a feature on the National Ladder which allows the Club 3 triangular tasks and 3 tasks of any shape to be defined for pre-declared racing tasks.
These are of lengths 100km, 200km, and 300km respectively.
The Club Tasks listed on the BGA Ladder "My Info" page may be flown in either direction and will always be scored as if they had been pre-declared. They may therefore be used in any of the following ways:
Club Tasks are set up by the Club Ladder Steward (Phil King).
It is not expected that Club Tasks will change much, if at all, during the season: in other words, they are to be used only as fallback tasks.
Important Notes: Notwithstanding their 'declared' status on the National Ladder, remember that any badge or FAI record claim will still need a separate pre-launch declaration. For badge flights the start and finish lines are 1km long centred on the start and finish point and at right angles to the task direction. For the National Ladder the lines are 12km long. Several of the tasks route close to Pontrillas Danger Area D147. It is the pilot's responsibility to be aware of and avoid prohibited and restricted airspace including NOTAMed airspace.
Note that if you fly one of these tasks and claim it on the ladder it is scored as if you had declared it. Declared tasks get more points. For example an undeclared flight worth 600 points is worth 1000 points if it is scored as declared. So if you are interested in getting a good score it is well worth declaring your task before you start or choosing one of these pre-declared tasks.
Web Page to Create Flarm Declaration igc File
Video of producing an example declaration file
FLARM loggers fitted to HGC aircraft
Herefordshire Gliding Club Limited, Shobdon Airfield, Herefordshire HR6 9NR. Webmaster Leslie Kaye © 2024 All rights reserved.